Jan 31, 2023Liked by Innovative Parenting NJ

Isn't it ironic that schools that were ostensibly founded in religious principles actively abrogate religious rights afforded by the secular state? It's the Stockholm syndrome at the institutional level or maybe it's just greed, a deadly sin, that leads to corruption. Either way, it's morally on par with hiding and protecting pedophile priests, which for all we know is a apt leverage point for coercion.

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Jan 31, 2023Liked by Innovative Parenting NJ

Something to also consider is the influence of the Jesuits who are considered a very powerful force within the church. They have been very much a part of the globalist elites for a very long time - the fact that they are in lockstep with the insane Covid agenda does not surprise me at all.

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There has to be money trail from Big Pharma to the Catholic Church.

We need Project Veritas to expose what’s behind this

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With all the controversy and skepticism surrounding the Covid vaccine, they double down and refuse Religious Exemptions now?! And why isn't there blanket coverage? An RE is an RE period. The Catholic Church cannot afford to lose young families. This will surely turn many away. I have been a Catholic for 66 years. I am disgusted and disappointed in this decision.

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Catholic schools are some of the worst about this stuff sometimes.

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Who are you as the author to question the diocese of Trenton on what they think is a RELIGIOUS exemption or not? Do you outrank them?

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He’s probably a fucking pedophile.

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